Monday, February 9, 2015

Feeling lost whilst trying to follow my life's calling

Here I am, in the middle of my exam weeks, and I cannot concentrate. Despite loving my study (Environmental Sciences), I feel restless. I feel that I should be living now, acting now, start doing all the great things I wish for this world, right now.

But I feel so small… How can I find a way to start doing what I love most: helping other living beings (that is, ending poverty and injustice, create a sustainable and fair economy, slow down climate change and more, all of those being interconnected)? On a daily basis I see news passing by about great stuff many NGO’s are doing around the world…but how can I participate, how can I help, and how can I start learning and growing to my full potential? Somehow it is always required that you have previous work experience in that area, that you know the right person, that you live somewhere else. It is required that you have great ideas, that you inspire others, that you are valuable for others, that you’re older, younger, smarter, better, more interesting, more extroverted, more more more.

So, I feel small, lost, alone and insecure of how to achieve what I consider my life's calling. I feel disconnected from others as not many understand why my calling is so important to me. Even though one can consider that I’m still in the process of learning all I need to know for a future career, I cannot put the restlessness aside. I want to do something, anything, now. I do not want to see more years pass by, spending all my effort on studying, but forgetting to live. And for me, living includes following my calling. But I do need fuel for my dream, or one day it will extinguish and leave me behind, with a bigger loss unimaginable.

“An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a person’s entire existence.”

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

“Vocation is the spine of life.”

Maybe the reason that I feel so small, is because I am too ambitious and self-demanding. I want to do too much for the world, and thus overreach myself and then feel this mixture of failure, loneliness and insecurity..Maybe I should remember a wise lesson (learnt the hard way) that any mountain, no matter how high, difficult or dangerous, is to be climbed step by step, and that any other option is impossible.