Thursday, January 5, 2012


Sometimes I am truly shocked about the violence in the world. No, I’m not talking about all the countries which, to my grief, are at this moment in war. I am talking about violence which occurs in countries of peace. In Dutch there is a special word for it, which in English would be called “senseless violence”. Of course, all violence is senseless, but this kind of violence I am referring to is… just even more stupid.
I wonder: what true reason do people have to attack others, to hurt others, to do damage? In reality: none. If all people would just learn to love instead of to hate, what a different world it would be! But of course… what generates so much violence in this world? I think there are a series of factors:

Although nowadays we are a global society, each and every one feels a lot more disconnected from all the others. Quoting here what I heard in the movie Contact: Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology? We shop at home, we surf the Web... at the same time, we feel emptier, lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history... 
And how true is that. By this disconnection we get a whole lot more frustrated, less capable of seeing the truth and giving love. We feel cut off from all the others and in some cases violence is a way of people to say “I’m here, why won’t anyone listen to me/take care of me?!”
I find this an important factor to explain, so I would also like to add the following: we people are a very social species. We need others around us in order to develop normally, to feel good and protected and respected. In the entire past of the human being we have lived in small communities; family, clan, tribes, villages. But now? Now we live in a chaotic world where even the existence of the most basic community isn’t even sure anymore: the family. How many stories there are about divorced parents, broken families, disrespect or even violence among members… so, where do we fulfill our need to be part of a community? Mainly with friends. And I’m sure you know people who have suffered greatly from the bad influence from the wrong “friends”.

Another factor is, I believe, that in certain social groups it is considered normal or even cool to harm others. Examples are people who attack police officers, people with different religions/color/beliefs. In both cases it involves a lot of hate and incapacity of comprehension. and unfortunately, the people who use violence against others are often supported by the rest of their social group, as they probably share the same ideas, and the same feelings of hate.
And besides feelings of hate, there is also the feeling of pure boredom which causes many to do harm to others.

Of course, I must also include that it is interesting to notice that most violence is done by boys or men. The influence of testosterone is without a doubt an important factor, and how higher the levels, the greater the aggressiveness. To my idea, when you put a group of men together, the testosterone levels seem to rise, creating an aggressive group. Why this is I do not know, but competition might be of influence. It is also interesting to notice that the countries where there is a higher male population than a female one, it is more likely to begin a war.
Surely, not only men are guilty of violence. Woman can be just as cruel. The thing is that woman are a whole lot more subtle and cunning, and their acts of violence are a lot less visible then that of men.

Among the many factors which cause a violent behavior, we should not forget the neurological factors. There are many biological things in the body that can influence a person’s behavior, and unfortunately, there are sometimes some kind of “mistakes” in the brains which cause violent behavior. Those biological influences can be something you’re born with, or it can be caused by external things, like drugs and alcohol. And surely, in this period of human history, our drug abuse is greater than ever. I won’t go on about the neurological factors, because I know a lot about it and I would just bore you ;)

I’m not very satisfied with this text, also because I find it hard to express everything as I wish and without going on and on, but I did want to write it already a long time ago, as I find it something important to talk about. Important, but very sad

I just want to say to you, dear reader, that violence, any kind of violence, will never be of any benefit for anyone. If there is a time in your life when you will do a violent act, remember; you will hurt yourself and others too. Also, never use violence as a response to someone who has hurt you. That’s the most stupid thing you will ever do. Never seek vengeance/revenge. It’s not worth it.

Maybe I am so against violence, because I simply do not understand the primitive emotions that drive people to hurt others. For me it seems as the most intolerable thing you can do. I don’t want to sound so harsh, so please understand that I say intolerable, and not unforgivable.

May you all be able to live with love and respect in your heart, because that is what will make you truly happy. 

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