Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thinking too much (english)

I think a lot. In fact, many people say I think too much

My reaction is always that of: what’s wrong with thinking much? To me it seems worse to think little or not at all! Or: can someone actually think too much? What’s the limit between “healthy thinking” and overthinking stuff?

So, I have finally consulted the internet, and yes: thinking too much can be harmful. Apparently it can lead to depression, a worse memory, it tires you, and it even stimulates part of the brain that is related to mental diseases. But then, again, we are back to: How much do you have to think in order to think too much?

To me it seems that one thinks too much when it starts becoming a problem. When it keeps you from sleeping, or when it tires you completely, or when you start thinking thoughts that make you feel worse and worse, or when it keeps you form functioning well.

I tend to think about… well… about almost everything. I think about the nature, the environmental problems, about society, economy, politics, how I can be a useful person, how I can help others best, how I can help make this world a better place. I think about so many things in one day that mostly I end up very tired. And confused. I have confused thoughts after some hours of thinking because to me everything I think about is interconnected, and I’m trying so hard to figure out all the connections and links in hope that I will understand the world a bit better. And then I hit the point when I can’t even think straight, because everything it’s just too much for me.

That frustrates me. Because I honestly desire to figure out all the links of our interconnected world and find solutions to some of the greatest problems that threaten us, our society and the planet itself.

But maybe I should accept that I’m not the next Einstein, or Plato, or Darwin. I don’t have a brilliant mind which will lead to groundbreaking theories or knowledge. Maybe I should understand that alone I cannot solve all the world’s problems and sorrows.

Although that is very hard for me to accept. I’m very demanding towards myself. Because I want to be useful, and not just sit back and do nothing.

Anyway. For people like me who tend to think too much: I’ve found some tips on the internet that may help to relax the mind. From own experience I know that I need several hours (yes) a day of mental relaxation or I can’t function well. That’s just to show how important it is to relax your mind! Well, here are the tips:
  • Learn to recognize when you think too much. That mostly happens when you start thinking things over and over again (ruminating)
  • Meditate: Do so in order to let go of your thoughts.
  • Write down the thoughts. A very good tip I’ve heard about is to sit down for 10-20 minutes, and write down whatever thoughts are on your mind. After that, your mind usually feels a lot clearer again
  • Live in the now. When you think you’re often not very present: you’re too busy in your head. Try to be more in the present, and be conscious of your surroundings. That sometimes also relieves your brain a bit from overthinking as you turn your thoughts away.

Have a nice day! And try not to overthink stuff! ;)

"Thinking too much is like eating too much: The  heaviness  makes it impossible to remain light and flexible"
This is the perfect image for me:
I take a loooong time to think about stuff. Even about simple things. 

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