Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kindness/ Bondad

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
You shouldn’t just limit your kindness to the people you know, or people that seem nice to you. Kindness, like love (or which in truth is an expression of love) should be unconditional, given freely and with joy.

Everyone, with not a single exception, is having a hard time. We all have our problems, we all have worries, and bad things going on in our lives at at least once in a lifetime. And we should not deprive others from kindness just because they don’t seem kind/nice to us.

I’m just saying this, because it’s something that happens so frequently. If you see someone (unknown) smiling to you, you smile back. But the tendency to smile back quickly fades when you encounter sad/angry/negative looking people. and you even tend to reflect their negativity. Whilst they are exactly the ones who most need kindness.

An act of kindness doesn’t have to be something big. Any type of kindness is worth something, is of help, is an expression of love towards your fellow humans. And when you one day might be in need of a little kindness, you might be repaid for your own effort you made in being kind to others in other times.

Being kind shouldn’t been seen as an offer. It should be seen as a correct way of interacting with others. Patience, love, respect, compassion, that is how we should treat or fellow humans.

So, if you see someone having a hard time, don’t reflect their negativity and make them feel even worse. Rise above your (possible) initial repulsion towards negativity, and be compassionate. Be kindhearted, and give a gift of kindness. Your smiles, words, acts are small things, but they still might mean a world of difference to the one who is suffering at that moment.

“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”
Dalai Lama  
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”  
“ No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. “ 

"Nunca dejes que alguien viene hacia ti sin irse sintiéndose mejor y mas feliz  Se la expresión viva de la bondad de Dios; bondad en tu rostro, bondad en tus ojos, bondad en tu sonrisa" Madre Teresa

Se amable, porque todos los quien conoces están luchando una dura batalla.

No deberías limitar tu bondad para la gente quien conoces, o personas quien te parecen amables. La bondad, como el amor (o que en realidad es una expresión de amor) debe ser incondicional, dado libremente y con alegría.

Todos, sin excepción, están teniendo momentos difíciles. Todos tenemos nuestros problemas, todos tenemos preocupaciones, y cosas malos que sucede en nuestras vidas. Y no debemos privar a otros humanos de la bondad sólo porque quizás no nos parecen amables /agradables.

Sólo digo esto, porque es algo que sucede con frecuencia. Si ves a alguien (desconocido) sonriéndote, tu seguramente que le devolverás la sonrisa. Pero la tendencia a devolverle la sonrisa se desvanece rápidamente cuando te encuentras con alguien triste /enfadado /negativo. E incluso tiendes a reflejar su negatividad. Mientras que son exactamente ellos quien más necesitan la bondad, compasión y simpatía.

Un acto de bondad no tiene por qué ser algo grande. Cualquier tipo de bondad es digna de algo, es de ayuda, es una expresión de amor hacia tus prójimos. Y cuando algún día tu podrías estar en necesidad de un poco de amabilidad, puede que serás recompensado por el esfuerzo que hiciste en ser amable con los demás en otros momentos.

Ser amable no se debe considerar como un sacrificio. Debe ser visto como la forma correcta de interactuar con otros. La paciencia, el amor, el respeto, la compasión, eso es como debemos tratar a nuestros prójimos.

Por lo tanto, si ves a alguien teniendo un momento difícil, no le reflejas su negatividad y hagas que ese persona se sientan aún peor. Elévate por encima de tu (posible) repulsión inicial hacia la negatividad y se compasivos. Se bondadoso, y da un regalo de bondad. Tus sonrisas, palabras, actos son cosas pequeñas, pero aún así puede significar una gran diferencia para la persona que está sufriendo en ese momento.

“Este es mi simple religión. No hay necesidad de templos, no hay necesidad para una filosofía complicada. Nuestro propio cerebro, nuestro propio corazón es nuestro templo, y la filosofía es la bondad.”
Dalai Lama
“Llevar a cabo un acto de bondad al azar, sin esperar recompensa, con la certeza de que un día alguien podría hacer lo mismo para usted.”
“Ningún acto de bondad, por pequeño que sea, es desperdiciado.”

Friday, October 5, 2012


Travelling. To me, there is no better way to see the world, learn and grow as a person then to travel. And with this I don’t mean visit places for 5 days, see the touristic hotspots and that’s it. No, with travelling I mean going into the wilderness. Walking into remote villages and try to communicate with people whose culture and language are foreign for you. With travelling I mean having moments of pure joy and enthusiasm as well as having moments of desperation and troubles.

Travelling to me is a great way to grow personally. From all the blessings and obstacles during your journeys you learn a great lot. From the difficult moments you learn to improvise so much more then you would if you’d never leave home. You learn about other people, you learn to greatly respect all cultures of the earth, and Mother Nature herself
A few quotes about travelling that I truly love because they seem so true to me are the following:

“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” 

 “If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.”

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

But… however much I love travelling, it’s something that I want for myself. And there is something, this force that always drives me further, that is even more important than my love for travelling; it’s my desire to help others. I’m ambitious. I want too much, I’m idealistic. So at the moment I can’t see a way how to combine both things in such way that I can both make myself happy and others. I wouldn’t find it fair if I were to have all the fun and benefits from my personal growth on my journeys, whilst others continue to suffer.

What I do know, is that I need both to be happy. I want to help others so that they can grow, become happy, live beautiful, fulfilling, peaceful lives. And I need to travel and see this great, beautiful, extraordinary world.

I already go on small journeys in the region where I live, and although it’s nothing big, it does give me more insight about life, and gives me a feeling of self-worth I’ve never felt before. I grow, every time I step onto the road with unknown country to be discovered. And I do try to help others. But how much do I wish that there were a way to combine both, make my living out of it.

All I can hope for is a strike of insight that I know someday will come, whether it will be on a 2000 m high mountain, on my kayak on the sea, or anywhere else on my journeys.