Tuesday, February 21, 2012

more about education and society (english version)

Sometimes I am really upset about the way we are educated and the society. Before anything, please let it be clear that I am not blaming any parent. They are not to blame, as no one knows how to be the perfect parent and of course, they are only doing exactly what their parents have shown them.

But still... Why do most people in this world have to learn by themselves the most important and basic lessons of life in order to be happy? And once they do know about it, why don’t they raise their descendants according to that knowledge? Or is it that there are so few people who have such knowledge?

I think that, even if parents know about how to live life truly with love and joy, and they do raise their children according to that knowledge, they can only form their children up to a certain point. From then on children are mainly formed by society and erroneous ideas that are formed in their minds and that are never contradicted. I’m sure most parents will already know this, but just to mention it: the point up to which a parent can contribute most to the formation of their child is until puberty. It is simply a natural process for the adolescent to distance him/herself from the parents, and in consequence, also from ideas/life styles the parents might have.

One example I would like to cite is that of exams. Since the moment a child goes to school he/she learns that you “have” to be nervous before exams. They learn it from older children, siblings, teachers, parents, wherever. And the consequence is that for the rest of his/her life this person will be nervous before (or even during) exams or other stressful moments.

What I just want to say is that a child’s brain works like a sponge. And whatever kind of conduct it will see, it will be stored in the brain, and subconsciously the child will act according to it, even though consciously it might not want so.

Really sad actually… as parent you might do everything that you can to raise your child the best you can, but that is by far not a guarantee that your child will be happy. And that’s not so much their fault, but it’s rather a responsibility all of society should take. A responsibility to raise happier, better children (with better I mean simply without typical problems like nowadays, like drugs/violence etc). Even if you really are the very best parent of the world, your influence alone on the child seemingly will never be enough. Because there is still society, influencing your child in every aspect of its live.

Seriously! What a complicated theme this is! My head is spinning around, I’m trying to see the logic and the solution in all of this, but this is not a separate problem, it is totally connected to all the other problems of the society.

How much I would like that little by little people would become more conscious, learn from life, see its beauty, and understand the basic principles in order to be happy. Is that really too much to ask? I know most people are too much inside their material driven world, but will no one wake up and see the importance to teach children the things that will truly make them happy?

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