Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thinking too much (english)

I think a lot. In fact, many people say I think too much

My reaction is always that of: what’s wrong with thinking much? To me it seems worse to think little or not at all! Or: can someone actually think too much? What’s the limit between “healthy thinking” and overthinking stuff?

So, I have finally consulted the internet, and yes: thinking too much can be harmful. Apparently it can lead to depression, a worse memory, it tires you, and it even stimulates part of the brain that is related to mental diseases. But then, again, we are back to: How much do you have to think in order to think too much?

To me it seems that one thinks too much when it starts becoming a problem. When it keeps you from sleeping, or when it tires you completely, or when you start thinking thoughts that make you feel worse and worse, or when it keeps you form functioning well.

I tend to think about… well… about almost everything. I think about the nature, the environmental problems, about society, economy, politics, how I can be a useful person, how I can help others best, how I can help make this world a better place. I think about so many things in one day that mostly I end up very tired. And confused. I have confused thoughts after some hours of thinking because to me everything I think about is interconnected, and I’m trying so hard to figure out all the connections and links in hope that I will understand the world a bit better. And then I hit the point when I can’t even think straight, because everything it’s just too much for me.

That frustrates me. Because I honestly desire to figure out all the links of our interconnected world and find solutions to some of the greatest problems that threaten us, our society and the planet itself.

But maybe I should accept that I’m not the next Einstein, or Plato, or Darwin. I don’t have a brilliant mind which will lead to groundbreaking theories or knowledge. Maybe I should understand that alone I cannot solve all the world’s problems and sorrows.

Although that is very hard for me to accept. I’m very demanding towards myself. Because I want to be useful, and not just sit back and do nothing.

Anyway. For people like me who tend to think too much: I’ve found some tips on the internet that may help to relax the mind. From own experience I know that I need several hours (yes) a day of mental relaxation or I can’t function well. That’s just to show how important it is to relax your mind! Well, here are the tips:
  • Learn to recognize when you think too much. That mostly happens when you start thinking things over and over again (ruminating)
  • Meditate: Do so in order to let go of your thoughts.
  • Write down the thoughts. A very good tip I’ve heard about is to sit down for 10-20 minutes, and write down whatever thoughts are on your mind. After that, your mind usually feels a lot clearer again
  • Live in the now. When you think you’re often not very present: you’re too busy in your head. Try to be more in the present, and be conscious of your surroundings. That sometimes also relieves your brain a bit from overthinking as you turn your thoughts away.

Have a nice day! And try not to overthink stuff! ;)

"Thinking too much is like eating too much: The  heaviness  makes it impossible to remain light and flexible"
This is the perfect image for me:
I take a loooong time to think about stuff. Even about simple things. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Stress/ Estres

 There are days when your body just needs a good rest. In a world where we live in constant stress due to work, studies and family, we put quite a burden upon our bodies and mind. And mostly we don’t take any time to listen to ourselves and respect our own limits. Why? Because we are so stressed that the mere thought of having some time off stresses us even more (because we think about all the work that will then accumulate).

But well, the body and mind sometimes demands some time of rest. The length of the resting time depends a lot on how much time you have been working on without listening to your own limits.
And I honestly think that, if you have been going on for too long, the stress is expressed in illness or becoming unwell, and can affect either the body or the mind.

Like yesterday. During the night I started feeling very unwell and today during the day I didn’t feel very well either. So what did I do? I listened to my body, for one day I left beside my study books (honestly, sometimes me and my study books are inseparable!) , and most of the day I have spent in the sun, either with my boyfriend or with my family. Simply relaxing, laughing, being on the beach, talking, eating nice food and taking my time to rest.

And it really did me well. I feel quite a bit better now, although I notice that I still shouldn’t do anything related with studying, or my body will complain again.

So, dear reader; I know sometimes it’s hard to take time off, and that the mere thought is stressful if you have so much to do. But the thing is that, if you don’t take time to rest, your body will demand it from you. And sometimes it can end quite badly if you keep pushing yourself too much, for too long.

Just remember this: take your time to rest, both your body and mind. Some might need more time than others to do so, but don’t feel bad/ashamed about that. We are all unique and we all work in a different way.

Ps: thank you people who were by my side today to help me relax, feel good and laugh. I really appreciate it :)

Hay días en las cuales tu cuerpo sólo necesita un buen descanso. En un mundo donde vivimos en constante estrés debido al trabajo, los estudios y la familia, ponemos una pesada carga sobre nuestros cuerpos y mentes. Y sobre todo porque no tomamos unos momentos para escuchar a nosotros mismos y respetar nuestros propios límites. ¿Por qué? Principalmente porque estamos tan estresados ​​que la simple idea de tomar algo de tiempo libre nos estresa aún más (porque pensamos en todo el trabajo que se acumulara)

Pero bueno, el cuerpo y la mente a veces exigen un tiempo de descanso. La duración del tiempo de descanso depende mucho de cuánto tiempo has estado trabajando sin escuchar a tus propios límites.
Creo sinceramente que, si has estado trabajando durante mucho tiempo, el estrés se manifiesta en enfermedad/malestar, y puede afectar tanto al cuerpo como a la mente.

Tomo como ejemplo ayer. Durante la noche me empecé a sentir muy mal y hoy durante el día no me sentía muy bien tampoco. Entonces, ¿qué hice? Escuché a mi cuerpo, por un día deja a lado de mis libros de estudio (honestamente, a veces yo y mis libros de estudio somos inseparables!), Y la mayor parte del día he pasado estando en el sol, tanto con mi novio como con mi familia. Simplemente relajándome, riendo, estando en la playa, hablando, comiendo buena comida y tomando mi tiempo para descansar. 

Y eso me hizo bien. Me siento un poco mejor ahora, aunque me doy cuenta de que todavía no debería hacer algo relacionado con el estudio, porque entonces mi cuerpo se quejará de nuevo. 

Así que, querido lector, yo sé que a veces es difícil tomar tiempo libre, y que el mero pensamiento es muy estresante si tienes mucho que hacer. Pero la cosa es que, si no toma tiempo para descansar, tu cuerpo lo va a demandar de ti. Y a veces puede terminar muy mal si sigues empujando a ti mismo demasiado, durante demasiado tiempo. 

Sólo recuerde esto: toma tu tiempo para descansar el cuerpo y  la mente. Algunos quizás necesitan más tiempo que otros para descansarse, pero por favor no te sientas mal / avergonzado por eso. Todos somos únicos y todos funcionamos de una manera diferente. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Compliments / Cumplidos :)

It’s always nice to hear people say that they like my blog. It makes me feel very proud of myself and motivates me to continue writing. (This is a hint you know? Haha)

Of course, such compliments are always welcome ;) everyone loves to receive compliments about things they do well. Although I have a tendency to say things like “it’s not a great deal/ I didn’t do so well/ others are much better than me etc”. (According to some persons, I’m very cruel to myself!) Honestly: if someone compliments you for doing something well: accept the compliment and be happy with the fact that other people recognize the things you are good at :) Trust me; it really makes you feel good.

So, what I actually just wanted to say is this:
Thank you dear readers for reading my texts, and telling me once in a while that the things that I write are interesting/funny/wise/true. Knowing that there are people who read my texts is really motivating :)

Siempre me gusta oír de la gente que les gusta mi blog. Me hace sentir muy orgullosa de mi misma y me motiva para continuar escribiendo (esto es una indirecta ¿sabes? Haha)

Claro, ese tipo de cumplidos siempre son bienvenidos!! A todo el mundo le gusta recibir cumplidos sobre las cosas que hacen bien. Aunque tengo una tendencia para decir cosas como “no es gran cosa/no lo hice muy bien/otros son muchísimo mejor que yo etc.” (según algunas personas soy muy cruel conmigo misma). Sinceramente: si alguien te da un cumplido sobre algo que has hecho bien: acéptalo y se feliz con el hecho que otras personas reconocen las cosas en las cuales sobresales :) confía en mi; de verdad te hace sentir bien.

Así que, lo que realmente quería decir es lo siguiente:
Gracias queridos lectores por leer mis textos, y por decirme de vez en cuando que las cosas que yo escribo son graciosos /interesantes /verdaderos/ sabios. Sabiendo que hay gente quien lee mis textos es verdaderamente motivante :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Insecurity/ Inseguridad

Something that I notice quite a lot nowadays is that many people are so insecure. A lot of (especially young) people lack confidence in themselves but also in the rest of the world.

Why is this? What’s a matter with us that we lose confidence in everything?

I think there are many, many reasons. To my deep regret. Because I know well just how destructive and frustrating it is to lack confidence. It limits you so much. It causes you to let opportunities go by that might have changed your life.

The world isn’t as it was before. We’re global now, and I believe my generation is the first to really feel its consequences. Because we live in a system now that is so big, so complicated, that sometimes we just feel squashed beneath its weight. A weight we all have to bear if we want the system to go on working.

Nowadays, and with the passing of the time more and more we are under an enormous pressure. Pressure to perform well at school, at the university, at work. Pressure to satisfy the demands of society, to fulfill the false image of perfection that will lead us to everlasting success.
And between so much pressure we create insecurity. Because depending on our performance we can “make it” or not. Depending on our performances we manage to secure our future a little more or less in this unsecure world.

But there are also enormous pressures on our physical appearances. In a world that is increasingly more materialistic, the physical image tends to become what matters most. And from that we create our opinions about others, discriminating, pressuring and hurting them greatly by doing so. You know, it’s not nice at all to be discriminated because of your appearance. And it honestly just sucks when for such idiotic reasons you are denied certain opportunities, whether that might be a certain job, or the opportunity to finding a partner.

But our insecurity does not only lie inside us. We tend to distrust the ones around us more and more. Maybe mainly because we are dissocializing. We hide behind our computer screens and when we have to deal with other people we don’t know what to do. Not only that causes it, but also the fact that increasingly more and more people come from “broken families”: divorced parents, parents that are never there, and so on.

Well, these aren’t all the reasons, but if I would analyze everything and write everything I would want to write I doubt you would ever read my blog ;)

What I would like to say is the following: don’t be ashamed to be insecure, but do try your best to overcome your insecurity. Because confidence in yourself and in others can really change your life. Be proud of yourself, acknowledge the things that you have done, and accept the things that you haven’t done (or done wrongly). Understand that no one is born being perfect, that perfection doesn’t exist, and that for everything is a first time, a time to learn, and a time to teach others the things that once caused you insecurity. Be compassionate and patient with the ones who don’t have confidence, let them know that being insecure about oneself and about everything is a human trait, and that conquering your fears will help to grow as a person.

“Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go”

Greeting dear readers, and may joy and peace accompany you on your path through life!

Algo de que me doy cuenta mucho hoy en día es que muchas personas son tan inseguros. Una gran cantidad de personas (especialmente jóvenes) no tienen confianza en sí mismos, ni en el resto del mundo.

¿Por qué? ¿Qué pasa con nosotros para que perdamos la confianza en todo?

Creo que hay muchas, muchas razones. Desgraciadamente. Yo sé bien cómo de destructiva y frustrante es la falta de confianza. Te limita mucho. Te hace dejar pasar las oportunidades que podrían cambiar tu vida.

El mundo no es como era antes. Somos mundial ahora, y creo que mi generación es la primera en sentir realmente sus consecuencias. Debido a que vivimos en un sistema que ahora es tan grande, tan complicado, que a veces se siente aplastado bajo su peso. Un peso que todos tenemos que aguantar si queremos que el sistema sigue funcionando.

Hoy en día, y con el paso del tiempo cada vez más estamos bajo una enorme presión. La presión para hacer bien en la escuela, en la universidad, en el trabajo. La presión para satisfacer las demandas de la sociedad, para cumplir con la falsa imagen de la perfección que nos llevará al éxito eterno.
Y entre tanta presión se crea la inseguridad. Debido a que en función de nuestro rendimiento se puede conseguir hacer bien en la vida o no. Dependiendo de nuestras actuaciones podemos conseguir asegurar nuestro futuro un poco más o menos en este mundo inseguro.

Pero también hay una enorme presión sobre nuestra apariencia física. En un mundo que es cada vez más materialista, la imagen física tiende a convertirse en lo que más importa. Y a partir de eso creamos nuestras opiniones acerca de los demás, discriminando, presionando y dañándoles mucho al hacerlo. Ya sabes, no es en absoluto agradable ser discriminado debido a la apariencia. Y sinceramente es un asco, cuando por tales razones tan estúpidas te niegan ciertas oportunidades, bien un trabajo determinado, o bien la oportunidad de encontrar pareja.

Sin embargo, nuestra inseguridad no sólo está dentro de nosotros. Tenemos la tendencia a desconfiar de los que nos rodean cada vez más. Tal vez sobre todo porque estamos dissocializando. Nos escondemos detrás de nuestras pantallas de ordenador, y cuando tenemos que tratar con otras personas no sabemos qué hacer. No sólo ese lo causa, sino también el hecho de que la gente cada vez más y más vienen de "familias rotas": padres divorciados, padres que nunca están allí para sus hijos, etc.

Pues bien, éstas no son todas las razones, pero si analizaría todo y escribiría todo lo que desearía, dudo que alguna vez alguien leerá mi blog ;)

Lo que me gustaría decir es lo siguiente: no te avergüences de ser inseguro, pero   intenta lo mejor de ti para superar tu inseguridad. Porque tener confianza en ti mismo y en otros realmente puede cambiar tu vida. Siéntate orgulloso de tú mismo, reconoce las cosas que has hecho, y acepta las cosas que no has hecho (o que has hecho mal). Entiende que nadie nace siendo perfecto, que la perfección no existe, y que para todo hay la primera vez, un tiempo para aprender, y un tiempo para enseñar a otros las cosas que una vez te causó inseguridad. Sea compasivo y paciente con los que no tienen confianza, hazles saber que la insegura sobre mismo y sobre todo es un rasgo humano, y que conquistando los miedos ayudará a crecer como persona.

"Siéntete orgulloso de lo lejos que has llegado y ten fe en lo lejos que puedes ir"

¡Saludos mis queridos lectores, y que la alegría y la paz te acompañe en tu camino por la vida! :)