Thursday, January 26, 2012


Often people ask me: what is the sense in the life of animals? They eat, reproduce, and die. They do things that seem to us as useless and expensive in time and energy.

Well… I’ll tell you. It only seems useless. But if you think well about it isn’t senseless at all. I know people tend to have difficulty with this, so I will try to explain it as good as I can.

Life has existed, since its very beginning, for over 3,8 billion years. It would never have survived in a world without natural cycles where can be relied on for survival (think about the seasons for example). Life began because of endless repetition, endless attempts of biomolecules to get together and gain capacity for nutrition, reproduction and relation. Maybe to you it would seem useless all those millions of attempts over tens of millions of years, but without that we would never have existed, nor any other living being.

And by getting a couple of biomolecules together the story has only just begun. Because evolution, meaning the survival of the fittest, has acted upon life for almost 4 billion years.

Yes. 4 billion years. You know what I would say to you? Don’t even try to imagine it. No matter how hard you try, our human mind is way too limited to understand the full meaning of such a long time. Even more so because we’re such a young species; only 200,000 years old.

Until relatively short ago speaking in evolutional terms the human species was just like all other animals; we followed the natural cycles of nature, and we did not stray from that, because that would mean a sure death. Then we started developing intelligence, and we started doing things that no other animal before us has done: we started to think consciously. We started questioning. We started changing the environment to favor us, instead of adapting ourselves to the environment. And we strayed of the natural cyclus of life, because our intelligence had provided us enough knowledge to feel as if we didn’t need nature anymore to survive. We became overconfident, believing we could reign over nature.  We became arrogant, believing ourselves superior to all other species. We became different from all other living beings, because evolution made us so.

Dear reader. I don’t want to offend anyone, nor go against ones religious believes or anything, but in my eyes the human being is no better and no worse than any other living being. Okay, we have cognitive intelligence, we have changed the world more than any other animal has ever been able to, we think about life, the sense in things, in how we can make our lives easier, more comfortable, and a very long etc. but still… in my mind that is not very distinguishing if you learn what other living beings are capable of. Because what I think; we’re not the ones we should be amazed about, rather we should be amazed at nature for creating us and every living being. Besides, we might have cognitive intelligence, but there is a thing that I tend to call natural intelligence, which is basically the intelligence that is in our very biomolecules, in our DNA, that is for a great part the result of all the species that are our ancestors. It is the intelligence to survive. And that’s what I truly admire. Because even the most simple beings, which aren’t even living beings, have that! the tendency and desire to survive it so great, that even viruses, made up from only a few proteins and some genetic material, are true masters at that.

But well, I am writing a lot, going of the main theme, and losing myself in telling all the things I would like to share! haha

What I wanted to explain now is that living beings live in cycles. They depend on things like the seasons, the availability of certain nutrients, the right conditions, etc. I’m sure you have seen nature documentaries at least once in your life, and that you might have wondered why animals spend so much time in mating rituals, in travelling, and in doing highly specific things. Well, they do that because that is their way to survive. It may not always seem very logic, and those kind of things are often very expensive time and calorie-wise. But it’s the result of evolution and although it is a kind of entrapment, it is also what makes a species thrive.

Maybe I’m not explaining this good at all. Besides, I’m neither a biologist, nor a psychiatrist or a sociologist or whatever. I’m simply someone with a great love and admiration for nature. And I might be totally mistaken. So don't take my words for truth. It just me expressing my ideas, and you have the liberty to disagree with me. 

What I just wanted to say is that… I love the cycles of live that the living beings live. It’s the result of something much older than we can ever imagine, and it has given place to so much diversity and so many marvelous things. It’s breathtaking if you really take the effort to understand nature (something most people regrettably never do...). We ourselves do not really live by the natural cycles anymore, although we are still totally dependent of it. I bet that’s not something you like to admit, right? That’s because nowadays we live so disconnected from nature that we believe ourselves the ones who are in charge.

We must not forget; we’re Nature’s product. Not the other way around. Nature created us, and even though we have enormous egos and we might feel so much better than all microorganisms, plants and animals, we’re totally dependent on them. Nature is very fickle and unpredictable. And we’re just one of its experiments. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Idealism? / ¿Idealista?

I am an idealist. Some people would consider that as a negative personality trait, and others would consider it as something good. I think it’s neither one nor the other. It’s just as it is and that’s it. It’s who I am. I am an idealist because I choose to dream, to hope for the best. I am an idealist because I believe in the great capacity of the human being that is the result of 3,8 billion year of nature’s evolution. Does this mean I’m a true optimist? No. I have my pessimistic moments, and my view on many things can be quite pessimistic, and I have my days when I almost can’t climb out of my pessimistic spiral.

Is it bad that I’m an idealist? I don’t think so. As long as I’m not living in my dream world and seeing everything in a utopia like style. But I’m sure I’ll never reach to that point. There are enough earthly matters that keep me firmly to the ground.

The thing is that I am an idealist because I want the best for everything and everyone. If I would look at everything from a truly realistic point of view, I know my pessimism would start to dominate me and I would lose myself in pessimism. I am a dreamer. And I have great dreams.

I just want the best for everyone. I just wish that everyone would be able to live their lives with love and joy in their hearts, being who they truly are and develop all their capacities. I just want everyone to be happy, to love and be loved, because everyone, without exceptions, deserves it. 

Yo soy una idealista. Algunas personas consideran eso como un rasgo negativo de personalidad, y otros que lo consideran como algo bueno. Creo que es ni lo uno ni lo otro. Es así como es y eso es todo. Es como soy. Yo soy una idealista porque quiero a soñar, quiero esperar lo mejor. Yo soy un idealista porque yo creo en la gran capacidad del ser humano que es el resultado de 3,8 millones de años de evolución de la naturaleza. ¿Quiere esto decir que soy un verdadero optimista? No. Tengo mis momentos de pesimismo, y mi opinión sobre muchas cosas puede ser muy pesimista, y tengo mis días en los que casi no puede salir de la espiral pesimista.

¿Es malo que soy un idealista? No lo creo. Siempre y cuando no estoy viviendo en mi mundo de sueños y veo todo en un estilo utópico. Pero estoy seguro que nunca llegare a ese punto. Hay suficientes asuntos terrenales que me mantienen firmemente en el suelo.

Lo que pasa es que soy un idealista porque quiero lo mejor para todo y todos. Si yo miraría a  todo desde un punto de vista verdaderamente realista, sé que mi pesimismo empezaría a dominarme y me pierdo en el pesimismo. Soy un soñador. Y tengo grandes sueños.

Yo sólo quiero lo mejor para todos. Sólo deseo que todas las personas sean capaces de vivir sus vidas con amor y alegría en sus corazones, que sean como realmente son y que desarrollen todas sus capacidades. Simplemente quiero que todos sean felices, que aman y que sean amados. Porque cada uno, sin excepción, lo merece.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The chemicals used in daily life/ Los químicos utilizados en nuestro vida diaria

Especially in the last few decades the use of chemicals has grown exponentially in almost every aspect of our lives. Chemicals are used in food, pharmaceutics, cosmetics, in our daily objects we use.

A great deal of those chemicals is based on petroleum.

Sure, chemicals and petroleum derivates have made our lives a lot easier. But has it also made it healthier? Because surely you value health too, don’t you?

Let me give you a couple of examples about the uses of chemicals and petroleum derivates in our daily lives:

Since the green revolution, we have turned to monoculture, which has had as consequence the appearance of pests. Human response to that has been to fabricate pesticides out of chemicals. And if that is not enough, they also designed herbicides. But of course, so much poison also ended with the plants that the farmers did want to keep. So what was their next step? Genetic engineering, creating GM plants, which then are literally soaked in pesticides and herbicides and even so survive such throughout intoxication. But the fact that they survive it, doesn’t mean much good. Because all the toxins pass into the plant: into the roots, into the branches and leaves, into every part of the plant from which we will eat. In short; we are eating toxic products.

But of course, that is only just the beginning of the story: because what do you believe happens to the animals? Have you ever seen the places where livestock is held? Dusty, dry, ugly planes covered with thousands of animals; a perfect place for microorganisms to thrive. Something that the farmers are not happy about at all... So what is their great strategy against diseases? Give enormous amounts of antibiotics and other medicines to the poor animals. And guess what? Even more chemical substances are given to them to ensure a rapid growth. Hurrah. More chemicals that pass into the soil, air, water. And into us too.

Next example; the cosmetic industry. If you have ever taken a look at the ingredients of your cosmetic products, then you will surely agree with me that most sound like an extraterrestrial language. In fact, most of those complicated-sounding ingredients are chemicals, from which a lot are derivates from petroleum. If you knew what all those ingredients were, if you knew how much harm they do in just slighter higher levels, would you ever put all that rubbish on yourself? I surely wouldn’t. The skin is the biggest organ of the body, and it has a great capacity to absorb about everything you put onto it. in that way, all the chemicals in the cosmetics that you are putting on yourself, pass through the skin, into the body’s system, and trust me, that’s not healthy at all.

This is all sounding a bit depressing right? Thinking about how much we are surrounded by human made poison… still, the story hasn’t ended yet. There is another factor, so contaminated nowadays, but without which we cannot survive: water. The hydrosphere is where eventually all the contaminants go to from all kinds of sources; agriculture, farms, the cosmetic sector, the industry… and even though water is cleaned in water cleaning stations, the water that comes out of the tap often still has slight amounts of chemical substances which are simply to small to be filtered out of the water.
But please, dear reader, don’t despair. This is all sounding pretty bad, but fortunately nowadays more and more people are becoming more conscious about all these things. If you didn’t know all of this before reading, then now you know. I’m not trying to scare you with all these facts. No. what I am trying to do is make people more conscious about the choices they make, because my goal is that everyone is healthy, happy and living in harmony with nature.  Happily, there are more people like me, and together we are trying to bring together all kinds of products that are made in an ecologic, traditional way, in order to respect the planet and, of course, to take better care of you.

Especialmente en las últimas décadas el uso de productos químicos ha crecido de manera exponencial en casi todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas. Se utilizan productos químicos en los alimentos, productos farmacéuticos, cosméticos, objetos de uso cotidiano etc.

Una gran cantidad de esos productos químicos se derivan del petróleo.

Claro, los productos químicos y derivados del petróleo han hecho nuestra vida mucho más fácil. ¿Pero la ha hecho también más saludable? Seguro que también es importante para ti la salud, ¿verdad?

Voy a dar un par de ejemplos sobre la utilización de productos químicos y derivados del petróleo en nuestra vida diaria:

Desde la revolución verde, hemos empezado a utilizar el monocultivo, que ha tenido como consecuencia la aparición de plagas. La respuesta humana ante ello ha sido la fabricación de pesticidas a partir de sustancias químicas. Y si eso no es suficiente, también se diseñó los herbicidas. Pero, por supuesto, tanto veneno también acabó con las plantas que los campesinos sí que querían tener. Entonces, ¿cuál era su siguiente paso? La ingeniería genética, la creación de plantas modificadas genéticamente, que luego son literalmente empapadas en pesticidas y herbicidas e incluso entonces logran sobrevivir tal intoxicación. Pero el hecho de que sobrevivan, no significa mucho. Porque todas las toxinas pasan a la planta: a las raíces, a las ramas y hojas, a cada parte de la planta que vamos a comer. En resumen, estamos comiendo productos tóxicos.
Pero, por supuesto, eso es sólo el comienzo de la historia: porque ¿qué crees que sucede con los animales? ¿Alguna vez has visto los lugares donde vive el ganado? Lugares planos, secos, feos, cubierto con miles de animales, un lugar perfecto para los microorganismos para crecer. Algo con la cual los agricultores no están para nada contentos... Entonces, ¿cuál es su gran estrategia contra las enfermedades? Dar enormes cantidades de antibióticos y otros medicamentos a los pobres animales. Y ¿sabes qué? Aún les dan más sustancias químicas a ellos para asegurar un rápido crecimiento. ¡Hurra! Más sustancias químicas que pasan al suelo, al aire, al agua. Y a nosotros también.

Siguiente ejemplo, la industria cosmética. Si alguna vez has echado un vistazo a los ingredientes de tus productos cosméticos, entonces seguramente estarás de acuerdo conmigo en que la mayoría suenan como un lenguaje extraterrestre. De hecho, la mayoría de los ingredientes que suenan tan complicados son productos químicos, de los cuales muchos son derivados del petróleo. ¿Si supieses lo que todos los ingredientes fueron, si supieses cuánto daño hacen en los niveles solo un poco más altos, entonces volverías a poner toda esa basura sobre ti mismo? Yo seguramente que no lo haría. La piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo, y tiene una gran capacidad para absorber todo lo que pones sobre él. De esa manera, todos los productos químicos en los cosméticos que estás poniendo sobre ti mismo, pasan a través de la piel, en el sistema corporal, y hazme caso, no es sano en absoluto.

¿Esto todo suena un poco deprimente verdad? Pensar en lo mucho que estamos rodeados de veneno creado por el hombre... Sin embargo, la historia no ha terminado todavía. Hay otro factor, tan contaminado hoy en día, pero sin la cual no podemos sobrevivir: el agua. La hidrosfera es donde finalmente se van todos los contaminantes de cualquier tipo de fuentes, la agricultura, las granjas, el sector de la cosmética, la industria... y aunque el agua se limpia en las estaciones de limpieza de ella misma, el agua que sale del grifo a menudo todavía tiene ligeras cantidades de sustancias químicas que son demasiado pequeñas para ser filtradas del agua.

Pero, por favor, querido lector, no te desesperes. Esto todo suena bastante mal, pero afortunadamente hoy en día cada vez más y más personas se están volviendo más conscientes sobre todas estas cosas. Si no sabías todo esto antes de leer, entonces ya lo sabes. No estoy tratando de asustarte con todos estos hechos. No. Lo que estoy tratando de hacer es hacer que la gente sea más consciente sobre las decisiones que tomen, porque mi objetivo es que todo el mundo este sano, feliz y que vivan en armonía con la naturaleza. Por suerte, hay más gente como yo, y juntos estamos tratando de reunir todo tipo de productos que se hacen de una manera ecológica y tradicional, con el fin de respetar el planeta y, por supuesto, para cuidar mejor de ti.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Sometimes I am truly shocked about the violence in the world. No, I’m not talking about all the countries which, to my grief, are at this moment in war. I am talking about violence which occurs in countries of peace. In Dutch there is a special word for it, which in English would be called “senseless violence”. Of course, all violence is senseless, but this kind of violence I am referring to is… just even more stupid.
I wonder: what true reason do people have to attack others, to hurt others, to do damage? In reality: none. If all people would just learn to love instead of to hate, what a different world it would be! But of course… what generates so much violence in this world? I think there are a series of factors:

Although nowadays we are a global society, each and every one feels a lot more disconnected from all the others. Quoting here what I heard in the movie Contact: Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology? We shop at home, we surf the Web... at the same time, we feel emptier, lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history... 
And how true is that. By this disconnection we get a whole lot more frustrated, less capable of seeing the truth and giving love. We feel cut off from all the others and in some cases violence is a way of people to say “I’m here, why won’t anyone listen to me/take care of me?!”
I find this an important factor to explain, so I would also like to add the following: we people are a very social species. We need others around us in order to develop normally, to feel good and protected and respected. In the entire past of the human being we have lived in small communities; family, clan, tribes, villages. But now? Now we live in a chaotic world where even the existence of the most basic community isn’t even sure anymore: the family. How many stories there are about divorced parents, broken families, disrespect or even violence among members… so, where do we fulfill our need to be part of a community? Mainly with friends. And I’m sure you know people who have suffered greatly from the bad influence from the wrong “friends”.

Another factor is, I believe, that in certain social groups it is considered normal or even cool to harm others. Examples are people who attack police officers, people with different religions/color/beliefs. In both cases it involves a lot of hate and incapacity of comprehension. and unfortunately, the people who use violence against others are often supported by the rest of their social group, as they probably share the same ideas, and the same feelings of hate.
And besides feelings of hate, there is also the feeling of pure boredom which causes many to do harm to others.

Of course, I must also include that it is interesting to notice that most violence is done by boys or men. The influence of testosterone is without a doubt an important factor, and how higher the levels, the greater the aggressiveness. To my idea, when you put a group of men together, the testosterone levels seem to rise, creating an aggressive group. Why this is I do not know, but competition might be of influence. It is also interesting to notice that the countries where there is a higher male population than a female one, it is more likely to begin a war.
Surely, not only men are guilty of violence. Woman can be just as cruel. The thing is that woman are a whole lot more subtle and cunning, and their acts of violence are a lot less visible then that of men.

Among the many factors which cause a violent behavior, we should not forget the neurological factors. There are many biological things in the body that can influence a person’s behavior, and unfortunately, there are sometimes some kind of “mistakes” in the brains which cause violent behavior. Those biological influences can be something you’re born with, or it can be caused by external things, like drugs and alcohol. And surely, in this period of human history, our drug abuse is greater than ever. I won’t go on about the neurological factors, because I know a lot about it and I would just bore you ;)

I’m not very satisfied with this text, also because I find it hard to express everything as I wish and without going on and on, but I did want to write it already a long time ago, as I find it something important to talk about. Important, but very sad

I just want to say to you, dear reader, that violence, any kind of violence, will never be of any benefit for anyone. If there is a time in your life when you will do a violent act, remember; you will hurt yourself and others too. Also, never use violence as a response to someone who has hurt you. That’s the most stupid thing you will ever do. Never seek vengeance/revenge. It’s not worth it.

Maybe I am so against violence, because I simply do not understand the primitive emotions that drive people to hurt others. For me it seems as the most intolerable thing you can do. I don’t want to sound so harsh, so please understand that I say intolerable, and not unforgivable.

May you all be able to live with love and respect in your heart, because that is what will make you truly happy. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Qoutes :)

Today i felt like just putting down here a couple of (short!) quotes :) I hope you like them!! you might notice that they are all quite inspiring and cheering, so I would recommend you to remember some of these in the case you have a bad day ;) But even on a good day some quotes are very good :)

We are all a little weird, and life is a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall
 Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.
Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.
Mahatma Gandhi
Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Buddha
You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body
C.S. Lewis 
The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say
J.R.R. Tolkien
If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.
Thich Nhat Hanh
What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise
Oscar Wilde 
Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.
Mahatma Gandhi
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
Mark Twain
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them
John F. Kennedy
What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent, unspeakable memories.
George Eliot
Unless your heart, your soul, and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty, and each action will be meaningless. Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.
“To a true artist only that face is beautiful which, quite apart from its exterior, shines with the truth within the soul”
Mahatma Gandhi
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
Mother Teresa
Take pride in how far you have come, and have faith in how far you can go
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
 Mark Twain
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve jobs

Monday, January 2, 2012

Treat with love / Trata con amor

With the passing of time I am learning how important it is to give love, and to treat everything and everyone with respect and patience. I know that sometimes it is hard, because we’re used to react negatively when someone acts/does something negative toward us, or when we’re not feeling alright, or for whatever other reason.

I find it hard too, to always be loving, respectful and patient. I’m not perfect in that way, although I am trying my best. I also have a bad day sometimes, and I am very perceptible to others negative emotions, which always causes a great descend of my energy. But… I am trying. I am trying to treat negative people with all the respect and love they need and deserve. Why do I do that? well, my dear reader, because that is the best for everyone, because with negativity you won’t get anywhere, and by treating others with love and respect you will benefit everyone.

So.. even though you’re having a hard day, try your best to not let your negative emotions run away with you. All that will happen then is that you’re making life a whole lot harder for yourself and the ones surrounding you. I know it’s not easy, as most of us have never learnt otherwise, but please, just try and make this effort. Try and be loving, respectful and patient.

Think well about this quote, which is one of my favorite: “do not treat people in a way you would not wish to be treated yourself” this sentence is found in many different variations, as it is said by many of the great philosophers and religious men of human history. That shows just how true it is! ;)

Con el paso del tiempo estoy aprendiendo lo importante que es dar amor, y de tratar a todo y todos con respeto y paciencia. Sé que a veces es difícil, porque estamos acostumbrados a reaccionar negativamente cuando alguien actúa / hace algo negativo hacia con nosotros, o cuando no se siente bien, o por cualquier otra razón.

A mi también me cuesta a veces, eso de estar siempre amoroso, respetuoso y paciente. No soy perfecto de esa manera, aunque estoy haciendo mi mejor esfuerzo. También tengo de vez en cuando un mal día, y soy muy perceptible a las emociones negativos de los demás, cosa que siempre provoca un gran descenso de mi energía. Pero... estoy intentando. Estoy intentando de tratar a las personas negativas con todo el respeto y el amor que necesitan y merecen. ¿Por qué hago esto? Lo hago, mi querido lector, porque eso es lo mejor para todos, porque con la negatividad que no llegaremos a ninguna parte, y al tratar a los demás con amor y respeto beneficiamos a todos.

Así que... incluso si tienes un día difícil, haz todo lo posible para no dejar que tus emociones negativas te dominan. Todo lo que ocurrirá entonces es que harás la vida mucho más difícil para ti mismo y para los que te rodean. Yo sé que no es fácil, ya que la mayoría de nosotros nunca hemos aprendido otra cosa, pero por favor, simplemente intenta de hacer este esfuerzo. Trata de ser amable, respetuoso y paciente.

Pensar bien acerca de esta frase, que es uno de mis favoritos: "No trates a otros personas de una manera que no te gustaría que te tratarían a ti" esta frase se encuentra en muchas diferentes variaciones, ya que ha sido pronunciado por muchos de los grandes filósofos y las personas religiosos de la historia humana. Eso muestra cuán cierto es! ;)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy new year! / Feliz año nuevo! :D

I know I haven’t written in quite some time here on my blog. But today I am enjoying a free day, the sun is shining, and I’m in the mood to write :)

So maybe the coming days I will put a couple of my texts again here

And for now: I wish everyone a very happy new year! I hope this New Year for all of you will be as a beautiful sunrise, promising to be a good, happy, and beautiful day. I wish you all the best, that this year you will gain more knowledge, get to know yourself better, find yourself, do good in this world and become more conscious. I wish for all of you that this year you will learn to really live, and see the beauty and love in everything. I wish that you will treat everything and everyone with respect and love, so that you will be treated in that same way. I wish that this year will be the beginning for every one of many good things.
Many greetings!!!

Sé que hace tiempo que no he escrito en mi blog. Pero hoy estoy disfrutando de un día libre, hay un sol precioso, y estoy con ganas de escribir :)

Así que quizás los días que vienen iré publicando de nuevo unos cuantos textos míos aquí

Y por ahora: deseo a todos un muy feliz año nuevo!! Deseo de que este año nuevo será para todos vosotros como un bello amanecer, que promete que el día va ser alegre y precioso. Os deseo lo mejor, que este año ganas mas conocimiento, que aprenderás a conocerte mejor, que encontraras a tu mismo, que harás algo buena en este mundo y que te harás mas consciente. Deseo que este año aprenderás a vivir de verdad, y que podrás ver la belleza y amor en todo. Deseo que trataras todo y todos con respeto y amor, para que tú mismo serás tratado de la misma manera. Deseo que este año va ser el comienzo para todos de muchas cosas buenas
Muchas saludos!!!