A mí me gusta estudiar porque así acumulo conocimiento sobre este
mundo. Algo que me parece fundamental, pero no obstante muchos no lo entienden.
Prefieren saber nada del funcionamiento de este maravillosamente complejo
planeta y centrarse en ganar dinero y poder.
A mí me gusta estudiar, porque con cada cosa nueva que aprendo, veo el
mundo con nuevos ojos, podre descifrar sus misterios, podre leer el mundo como
un libro que para la mayoría está escrita en un idioma desconocido.
Yo tengo una vida, no es que estudio porque no tengo nada mejor para
hacer. Tengo amigos, familia, novio. Tengo un perro que requiere atención.
Tengo un hermano quien desea que yo le explique los misterios de la vida. Tengo
obligaciones y responsabilidades, pero no digo como muchos que no tengo tiempo
para estudiar.
No soy una empollona. Un nombre que muchos me han dicho, desde hace
muchísimos años. Simplemente me encanta acumular conocimiento, y revelar los
misterios de este mundo.
Y no me resulta fácil estudiar, si crees eso. Yo necesito esforzarme
mucho para aprender las cosas. Pero mi ventaja ante de muchos es que yo estudio
con gusto, siempre estudio más de lo que debería, siempre busco información
complementaria hasta entenderlo de verdad. No estudio definiciones de un libro
y ya. No, yo estudio para SABER y ENTENDER.
Me jode un poco que es más normal, e incluso parece que se valora más,
no estudiar. No sé que de "guay" tiene no saber nada del mundo. No entiendo
porque se valora más ser una simplona y pija que ser un buen estudiante.
Sé que mucha gente están muy a gusto sabiendo poco del mundo, haciendo
trabajos simples, teniendo mentes sencillos. Pues que hagan lo que quieren, yo
no me voy a meter con ellos. Pero
entonces por favor deja de mirar tan extrañada cuando yo digo que me gusta
Many people look weird
at me if I say I like to study. They don’t seem to understand the illusion
that I feel when I obtain new books filled with more knowledge about the world.
Others wonder if I haven’t got better things to do, or if I am a nerd, or if I
have no life. Most people think I am crazy because I study with pleasure. Most
people also believe that it is easy for me to study ...
I like to study because it in that way I accumulate knowledge about this world. That seems like something fundamental to me, but many do not understand it. They prefer to know nothing of how this wonderfully complex world works and they focus on making money and power.
I like to study, because with each new thing I learn, I see the world with new eyes, making me more capable to decipher its mysteries, giving me the capacity to read the world as a book which for most is written in an unknown language.
I have a life, it’s not that I study because I have nothing better to do. I have friends, family, a boyfriend... I have a dog that needs attention. I have a brother who occasionally wants me to explain the mysteries of life. I have obligations and responsibilities, but at least I don’t say like many others that I have no time to study.
I'm not a nerd. A name that many have called me, for many years. I just love to accumulate knowledge, in order to reveal the mysteries of this world.
And I don’t find it easy at all to study, believe me. I need to work hard in order to learn things. But my advantage in comparison to others is that I study willingly, I always study more than I should, and I always look up more information to really understand. I don’t study definitions from a book and that’s it. No, I study to KNOW and UNDERSTAND.
It annoys me a little that it’s considered more normal, and even seems to be valued more, to not study. I do not know what is “cool” in not knowing anything. I don’t understand why it is apparently valued more to be simple and act stupid than being a good student.
I know many people are quite comfortable knowing little of the world, doing simple jobs, with simple minds. Well, they can do what they want, I'm not going to judge anybody else’s choices. But then please stop looking so surprised when I say that I like to study!!!
I like to study because it in that way I accumulate knowledge about this world. That seems like something fundamental to me, but many do not understand it. They prefer to know nothing of how this wonderfully complex world works and they focus on making money and power.
I like to study, because with each new thing I learn, I see the world with new eyes, making me more capable to decipher its mysteries, giving me the capacity to read the world as a book which for most is written in an unknown language.
I have a life, it’s not that I study because I have nothing better to do. I have friends, family, a boyfriend... I have a dog that needs attention. I have a brother who occasionally wants me to explain the mysteries of life. I have obligations and responsibilities, but at least I don’t say like many others that I have no time to study.
I'm not a nerd. A name that many have called me, for many years. I just love to accumulate knowledge, in order to reveal the mysteries of this world.
And I don’t find it easy at all to study, believe me. I need to work hard in order to learn things. But my advantage in comparison to others is that I study willingly, I always study more than I should, and I always look up more information to really understand. I don’t study definitions from a book and that’s it. No, I study to KNOW and UNDERSTAND.
It annoys me a little that it’s considered more normal, and even seems to be valued more, to not study. I do not know what is “cool” in not knowing anything. I don’t understand why it is apparently valued more to be simple and act stupid than being a good student.
I know many people are quite comfortable knowing little of the world, doing simple jobs, with simple minds. Well, they can do what they want, I'm not going to judge anybody else’s choices. But then please stop looking so surprised when I say that I like to study!!!
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